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DecaGear Cool Goggles

Customise the DecaGear VR headset in a matter of seconds

Posted by Pedro
Posted by: Pedro
Posted: Feb 16, 2021
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Patience is a Virtue

Although we’re probably going to have to wait 5 - 7 months before we get our hands on the DecaGear 1 headset, there’s still plenty to reminisce over and get excited about. There are simply so many things to like about the DecaGear VR system.

What’s really, really cool about the headset is Cool Goggles. Simply put, it’s a plastic faceplate that magnetically snaps onto the front of the headset. The manufacturer, Megadodo Games intends to launch a series of custom-designed decal panels. I’m not sure whether these will be available on launch, but I’m sure they’ll become available shortly after, if not by Megadodo Games, certainly by a third-party.

VR face-plate

Many VR headsets today are hard to personalise, usually because of limited real estate or quite simply because it’s impractical to do so, mainly due to the position of the cameras or rough textured surfaces, however, the DecaGear 1 is different. It has been intentionally designed to accommodate their very own face-plate.

I’m not quite sure how Deca intend to the print the face-plates as yet, but my guess is the graphic will either be vacuum moulded into the acrylic panel itself, or the cheaper alternative - it's quite possible it may end up being a self-adhesive vinyl graphic cover, we'll just have to wait and see.

Having the ability to personalise the headset is a nice feature…should you be into that kind of thing. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I simply love the concept. What do you think, would you customise yours?. Do let us know and leave us a comment in the section below.

Headset designs

Firstly, I’m sure you’ll agree, the headset looks pretty bloody awesome! And fidelity wise, you can’t knock the resolution either - with a whopping 2160 x 2160px per eye, it’s more than enough for VR, certainly if the LCD panels are anything like that of the Reverb G2. And at just $449 you get so much bang for your buck! I mean, it has almost everything you could ever want from a headset. You can game wirelessly as well as tethered, and it even comes boxed with a nifty gadget called DecaMove, a gizmo that assists in making in-game navigation easier. Personally I’m not sure how I’ll take to it yet. OMG! Let’s not forget... there’s the facial tracking as well!

Fingers crossed, let’s just hope we’re not let-down by poor controller tracking. I don’t think we'll have to worry too much about the visual quality of the display, that’s one thing I am sure of, and I hope you feel the same way too. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

If you have any comments about the Cool Goggles, please leave a comment in the box below, we’d love to see what you have to say.

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DecaGear Cool Goggles