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HP Announce New Shipment Date for their Latest Headset

All pre-orders of HP's Reverb G2 has a new shipment update of 30th November / December 2020.

vr news

It's been officially announced; HP has notified VR enthusiasts of the new shipment update for HP Reverb G2. Originally set for shipment mid September, gamers now won't receive their new HP Reverb G2 until 30th November / December 2020.

VR News

It's been officially announced; HP has notified VR enthusiasts of the new shipment update for HP Reverb G2. Originally set for shipment mid September, gamers now won't receive their new HP Reverb G2 until 30th November / December 2020.

Posted by Pedro
News post by: Pedro
Posted: Aug 20, 2020
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New Shipment Date for HP Reverb G2

For those of you who pre-ordered the HP Reverb G2 - HP originally announced that all pre-orders for the G2, will not be Shipped until October 2020. The latest update from HP now suggests that the headset will be delivered on or just before the 30th November! with any new orders expected for delivery sometime in December... so we're told.

Order update: HP Reverb delivery date UK.

Tuesday 13th November 2020: Latest update 
People who live in the UK, who pre-ordered the headset from 'SystemActive' before the end of July 2020, should receive the HP Reverb G2 on or just after the 1st of December, 2020.

Delivery aside...

There's some good news. HP have made some updates to the headset:

A quote taken from
A few updates we have made to the product since we first announced Reverb G2:
  • We have updated the lenses to reduce the Fresnel ring reflections and improve clarity.
  • The menu button on the controllers is now domed so you can distinguish between the Windows and Menu buttons by touch.
  • In addition to the full size to mini display port adapter, a USB-C® to USB-A adapter will be included in every box.
  • Our Engineers found an opportunity to lower persistence without lowering brightness and this required higher power draw, so the HP Reverb G2 will require the adapter to be plugged into the wall.  

New Shipment Date for Reverb G2

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