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VR News

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Alex Moretti Talks The Manor’s Halloween DLC, the VR Industry, and More...

Oct 30, 2020

Are you ready to return to The Manor? Alex Moretti of Fallen Planet Studios is back to discuss their nightmarish Halloween DARKNESS UPDATE, as well as give his takes on the virtual reality market and the Quest 2.

The Future of VR - HP Reverb G2 Omnicept Edition

Oct 20, 2020

The HP Reverb G2 Omnicept is a revolutionary VR headset. It allows developers to create applications that take advantage of the Omnicept’s real-time biometric data collection. These insights into a user’s mental state allows programs to be tailored to the user. This marks a huge leap forward in VR training - and down the line, gaming.

Special Events

Black Friday

Black Friday 2020 is right around the corner!

Oct 10, 2020

Don't miss out on Amazon Black Friday. We’ve made it simple to get the best Black Friday 2020 deals. We’ve developed a web page that has collated this year’s hottest tech, featuring real-time price updates. Better yet, you can sign up here to receive notifications for price drops.

VR Events

HP: Driving the Next Evolution of VR

HP Keynote Announcement: Driving the Next Evolution of VR

Sep 25, 2020

HP has an exciting announcement about their latest VR headset, the Reverb G2 Omnicept, and you could be one of the first to know. Don’t miss out on the HP Keynote Announcement: Driving the Next Evolution of VR, from the VR/AR Global Summit on the 30th September 2020. Founder and owner of ‘Pedro’, will be participating in the event, hoping to learn more about HP’s exciting news on HP’s latest VR headset and asking the HP experts penetrating questions about his concerns.

HP announces new Shipment update for HP Reverb G2

Aug 20, 2020

It's been officially announced; HP has notified VR enthusiasts of the new shipment update for the HP Reverb G2. Originally set for shipment mid September, gamers now won't receive their new HP Reverb G2 until the 30th November / December 2020.

Interview with Alex Moretti, CEO of Fallen Planet Studios

Aug 11, 2020

If you’ve ever been to a VR arcade, you’ve probably already run into Fallen Planet Studios’ work. Their hair-raising games and VR experiences have terrified fans the world over - and now they’re back with a new DLC. Read on, if you dare…

Graphic Cards

Nvidia Ampere - GA102 - 3080

The next Generation GPU: Nvidia Ampere

Jul 22, 2020

The newest and fastest graphics card (GPU) yet. Check out the keynotes, specs, performance and release date of Nvidia's latest GPU.

Rumoured - New VR and AR Headset Releases

Jul 17, 2020

Rumours have been swirling about two major VR releases on the horizon: one from HP, and one from Apple - which would be its first foray into the world of VR. Will this replace the Quest?


HR Director gives birth to triplets

Back from caternity leave with three little bundles of joy

Jul 13, 2020

Our beloved HR manager Bubbles has returned from caternity leave with three little bundles of joy - (Cosmos, Index, Quest). Since her first day back in the office, she’s been teaching them the ins and outs of the world of VR. Read on to follow Bubbles and her kittens as they explore the latest headsets and gadgets - all while pestering their human coworkers!

Graphic Cards

GPU Troubleshooting

Graphics Card Troubleshooting

Jun 28, 2020

If your graphics card is playing-up you may want to perform some checks before you go shelling out hundreds of pounds on a new one. We’ve laid out some handy tips for troubleshooting common GPU problems and hope they'll help you reach a conclusion as to whether it's time to replace it.

Meta Quest 3 Next-Gen VR Gaming Headset – 128GB
NEW - Meta Quest 3 Next-Gen VR Gaming Headset – 128GB
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